a reddish bracelet0/01Southwest Palanthas
a ceramic bracer0/01Mud School
a standard bracer0/01Lower Hybardin
a leather bracer0/01Palanthas
a new iron bracer0/01City of Tarsis
a leather bracer0/01Qualinost
a tower guard's bracer0/02High Clerist Tower 1
a constable's bracer0/02City of Tarsis
a red steel wristguard0/02Sanction
(Steel) a Solanthus guard bracer0/02Solanthus
an ancient bracer2/14Darken Wood
an ivory bracelet0/05Kendermore
a red bracer0/38Lower Hybardin
a gold band0/011High Clerist Tower 2
a golden brooch2/015Middle Hybardin
a brazen bracer0/015Pax Tharkas
a white bracer0/022Northern Warrens
the bracer of Brashkal0/225Daemon's Ground, Graveyard
a Golden wrist guard0/125Mudhole
an emerald wristguard0/026Freeport
a bracer etched with the "Youngblood" symbol3/332Foghaven
a polished steel bracer3/338High Clerist Tower 2
a wickedly spiked bracer3/340Sanction
an Archer's Wristguard3/255Gryphon Veil
a standard-issue Qualinesti bracer1/660Qualimori
a coiled piece of vine4/465City of Vingaard
a warpstone bracer4/570Sanction
a polished iron bracer0/080Palanthas
a circle of flame5/685Sea Caves of Zeboim