
a blue scroll
Level 30
Type scroll
Slot held
Hit/Dam 0/0
Affects none
Spell level 21
Spells shield
Description A blue scroll looks like something you want to read.
Keywords blue scroll
Flags none
Materials paper and silk
Value 200
Weight 0 lbs
Added Dec 14, 2015
| City of Tarsis             |
|                #.#         |
|                #.#         |
|                #.#         |
| ^###############.#         |
| #................#         |
| ####.#####.#####.#         |
|    #.#   #.#####.#         |
|    #.#   #.##*...#         |
|    #.#   #######.#         |
|    #.#         #.#         |
|    #.#         #.#         |
|    #.#         #.#         |
|    #.#      ####.#   ^##   |
|    #.#      #....#   #.#   |
|    #.#      ####.#   #.#   |
| The scribe's stand         |
It is bought from a store in City of Tarsis.