
Name Level Zone
a fishing pole 0 Icewall Glacier
a Caergothian deep sea fishing pole 1 Caergoth
a Caergothian surf casting pole 1 Caergoth
a Modified deepsea fishing pole 1 Caergoth
a desertwood fishing pole 1 Stone Rose
a dwarven-made fishing rod 1 Lacynos
a fishing pole crafted from wood and mithril 1 Meitol
a fishing pole for a minotaur child 1 Dak Roth
a large Mithian deep-sea fishing pole 1 Dak Roth
a long fishing rod 1 Caergoth
a long fishing rod 1 Lacynos
a minotaur-sized fishing pole 1 Lacynos
a nine foot long fishing rod 1 Qualinost
a nine foot long fishing rod 1 Palanthas
a seven foot long fishing rod 1 Qualinost
a seven foot long fishing rod 1 Port of Schallsea
a seven foot long fishing rod 1 Palanthas
a short fishing rod 1 Caergoth
a short fishing rod 1 Qualinost
a short fishing rod 1 Port of Schallsea
a short fishing rod 1 Lacynos
a short fishing rod 1 Palanthas
a well-crafted fishing pole from Dak Roth 1 Dak Roth
an Istarian surf casting pole 1 Caergoth
an ashwood fishing rod 1 Sanction
an ice-fishing pole 1 Caergoth
a fishing pole 10 Freeport
a fishing pole 10 The Lordcity of Haven
a short fishing rod 10 The Lordcity of Haven
a wooden pole 15 Kendermore
a well crafted fishing pole made from wood 56 Plains of Abanasinia