
Name Type Level
a broad, red sash body 52
a feathered headdress head 30
a pair of rusty chain-mail leggings legs 95
a long grey cloak neck 100
a round, rusty shield shield 103
a shot of Red Dragon's Revenge drink 0
a frosty mug of ale drink 0
a shot of mind fogger drink 0
a bottle of Kalamanian Red drink 0
a piece of baked trout food 0
a bowl of rabbit stew food 0
a rainbow trout food 0
the leg of a boar food 0
the leg of A hobgoblin warrior food 0
a wooden log furniture 0
a map of the Lordcity of Kalaman map 1
an energy bar pill 0
the eye of an umber hulk wand 100
an iron headed wooden spear spear 21
a iron-barbed whip whip 25
a rusty, iron battle axe axe 80